ICOS data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international licence.
This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the licence.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the licence terms.
By downloading this ICOS data product you agree to the licencing conditions that apply to this data (CC4BY). Under this license derived products and redistribution are allowed, but you are required to always inform your users of the original source of the data used, refer them to the license text and the original source at ICOS for possible updates or uploads.
Use of the data requires proper reference and citation of the ICOS data, using the exact citation (including the provided doi or pid) as provided at the moment of upload from ICOS, if applicable.
We ask you to inform the data providers, traceable through the metadata connected to the provided DOI or PID, when the data is used for publication(s), and to offer them the possibility to comment and/or offer them co-authorship or acknowledgement in the publication when this is justified by the added value of the data for your results.
The ICOS data products are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event shall the copyright holders or anyone distributing the ICOS data products be liable for any damages or other liability, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the ICOS data products.
For most of the ICOS data we will provide you with the citation to use through the landing page of the data object, from this page you will always be able to download the data object again. The PID or DOI of the data object will always resolve to itslanding page when you submit this to the handle system (https://hdl.handle.net/yourpidhandle or https://doi.org/yourdoihandle).
You may also use or link to pictures from the ICOS websites or use visualisations if you addthe link to the original and the text "ICOS RI, licensed under CC4BY" followed by thelink to the original.
You can register at the Carbon Portal at MyCP. We will use the information only to improve our services to you. In the future, you will access and manage here the links to your stored searches and downloads and, in case of updates of the data that you downloaded, you'll be able to opt in here to receive notifications of updates.
As soon as you have accepted the ICOS data policy, your choice will be remembered, and, when signed in, you will not be bothered by ICOS license acceptance before every dataset download.
Identification of data throughout its lifecycle is essential. This can be achieved by allocating unique and persistent digital identifiers (PIDs or DOIs) to data objects.
The PIDs allow to make unambiguous references to data during curation, cataloguing and support provenance tracking. They are also needed for correct citation (and hence attribution) of the data by end users.
In short, in today’s expanding "open data world", PIDs are an essential tool for establishing clear links between all entities involved in or connected with any given research project.